Friday, March 30, 2012

Op shopping!

I love op shopping (or thrifting). Have loved it ever since I was little. We rarely ever had new things as children, it was partly out of necessity but mostly because mum appreciated that you could get better quality clothes second hand than the sort of stuff we could afford to buy new. She also loved the hunt. And passed that love onto me and my sisters.

My mate Mel and I are going to have a stall at the very popular Suitcase Rummage tomorrow so I used it as an excuse for some last minute op shopping and I drove over to a new (to me) op shop this morning. I was so excited to spot this beautiful teapot...I've been looking for a small yellow teapot for years and never found the right one, until today! It's just the right size for two cups of tea. 

I also found some beautiful handmade aprons which I'll sell tomorrow. It amazes me that anything so beautiful was ever used to wipe your hands on! 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Friends on blogs, the new pen pals?

The thing that surprised me most when I started blogging was the easy way in which people could become friends via blog commenting. I'd seen 'famous' bloggers write about hanging out with other famous bloggers and thought it'd never happen to me. I'm yet to actually meet any bloggers in real life but I have started to count some of them as friends. And it surprises me. It shouldn't. I was a big pen pal girl as a child and teenager. I found nothing strange about writing long, often quite personal, letters to people I'd never met on the other side of the planet. Blogging is really quite similar, but strangely, it still feels odd. Maybe it has the same strange stigma as internet dating. Another thing that shouldn't be embarrassing but ends up that way for some people. I have hesitated before telling my 'real' friends about my blog friends. Why? I am glad to count these people as friends, and I'm not ashamed of them...why do I hesitate? Why am I even writing this? Maybe by verbalising it I'm attempting to make myself feel better about it. I wonder if anyone else feels this way? 

Oh dear...Has this post ended up like one of those bloody Sex In The City monologues?

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I'm Lucy, some of you may know me from the blog SkillCycle. I decided I needed a more 'personal' outlet. One of the many reasons I don't post very often on SkillCycle is that I often worry that my posts are not relevant enough for that forum - many posts end up deleted. I needed somewhere to post most generally about my life and my thoughts. This is it...I'll try to post here more regularly. There's no real theme, although most of my posts will probably be about my attempts to find a balance between wanting to run away and live on a farm and wanting to be a good scientist and have a career. I hope, at the very least I can use this as an outlet...a digital cup of tea with myself. If others read it or find anything useful, all the better. So. I shall begin.